Corporate Affiliations Educational Directories UnlimitedEDU provides high value academic recruiting tools for higher education providers while simultaneously providing an education marketplace for prospective students. Through company developed technological solutions such as directories, newsletters, databases, and customized professional services, EDU develops, focuses, and packages technology in order to connect academic recruiters and students effectively. Visit and and provide in-depth and current information on college level academic programs. The sites are available to prospective students at no charge and are supported by academic advertising, as the schools can choose to pay annual fees for web links, buttons and banners. The sites are promoted as "on-line yellow pages of higher educational programs." Free listings are offered for all academic programs, giving a brief overview of the program's offering and basic contact information, but do not include web links. As an option, schools can advertise on the sites, by purchasing links to their web page so that the prospective student can further explore the school's offerings. Visit Visit