Registration Form

Would you like to be added to the generationFly database in order to book your flights through Yes No

If yes, please fill out the questionare/ form below:

Personal Information

Title: First Name: Last Name:

Phone Number: (optional)


Date of Birth:    

Current College or University:

City:    State:   Zip Code:

Additional Information
What is the first country you plan to study abroad in?

Have you been abroad, and if so, have you been to Europe?

I have never been abroad.
Up to three times
More than three times

Are you familiar with Lufthansa? Yes No

Which airlines do you normally fly?
1. 2. 3.

How do you normally book your travel?
Travel Agent
Airline Website
Travel website (i.e. Expedia, Travelocity)
Special student website

Yes, I would like to recieve up-to-date emails about Lufthansa's GenerationFly specials.



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