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EDU Internet Strategies
What's in your horizon

Design Philosophy

Fundamentals Behind Building a web presence:

  • Prospective students expect a web presence.
  • Students are active web users.
  • Students trust the web to deliver information, many times trusting web content more than personal contact.
  • Students are spending their time researching schools via the web. If your information is not there, they may not consider you as an option.
  • Students have assumed the control of the recruitment process.

Our web design philosophy:

  • The ink is never dry on a web site
  • Recruiting is Job One
  • Writing style is "journalistic"
  • Internet speed response
  • Offer interaction that works
  • Web pages are documents
  • Content, Content, Content
  • Test, Test, Test
  • Update, Update, Update!

And a few more useful hints:

  • Minimize use of web frames
  • Do not use JAVA, Flash, Shockwave for text
  • Do not use a background image for web pages
  • Do not use large graphics, use thumbnails.
  • Do use tables
  • Do use many navigation options (text, drop-downs, etc.)
  • Have a consistent graphical look, a common design template
  • Build text oriented sites
  • Offer tools to encourage return visits such as free e-mail accounts, stored customer profiles, and free personal pages
  • Have many time sensitive features such as "What's new" and "In the news"