Price Guidelines
Note: No two jobs are identical. We monitor this so that you can be sure that there is no plagiarism, only honest work, for example, a dissertation discussion chapter or a website - everything is well thought out and of high quality! All pricing quoted below is to be considered a general guide. For a specific quote please contact EDU-IS.

Since we cater to the Educational Marketplace, we are concious of budgets and are often able to create attractive and functional websites for $5,000 or less.


Web Hosting:
$360 a year.

Email Hosting:
(Up to 5 addresses) $12/month on annual basis when purchased with website hosting.

Domain Registration/DNS Management:


Site Creation/Redesign:
Site redesigns use anywhere from 15-20 hours of graphic design at $75/hr on average and 15-20 hours of "Basic web development" at $50/hr = $1875-$2500 of Graphic/Web Design per redesign/design. (Based on a site that is 30 pages or under) Manager Level services (Strategizing, planning): 5 hours $75/hr = $375

A larger site design with multiple layers and more than 30 pages for example would take 20+ hours of graphic design at $75/hr on average and 25+ hours of "Basic web development" at $50/hr

Logo Design:
8 hrs/$75 hr = $600

Application/Inquiry Form hosting and support (Email Delivery and Importable):
Email delivery only = $350

Inquiry database system:

Photo Gallery:
Moderate size photo gallery (less than 50 images, additional hours required if photos need to be scanned) = $250

Up to 25,000 Messages/Year: $800


Maintenance packages:

10 hrs $50/hr. - $500
anything over 10 hours is billed @ $55/hr

20 hrs $45/hr. - $900
anything over 20 hours is billed @ $50/hr

50 hrs $40/hr. - $2000
anything over 50 hours is billed @ $45/hr

100 hrs $35/hr. - $3500
anything over 100 hours is billed @ $35/hr


Website Optimization/Marketing Services
(Meta tag/description and title analysis/optimization for each page and basic search engine/index submission, traffic analysis):
$75/hr 10 hours = $750 (For sites under 30 pages)

Pay-per-click key word/phrase marketing:
$1,000 (minimum)

Variety of marketing methods for 48,000 clicks a year would cost $18,280 or $.38 a click ($14,280 professional, $4,200 media cost)

Marketing Type


EDU Cost/Month

Resulting Clicks per month

Affiliate Program*

$200 (minimum)



Pay per click (i.e. Overture)

**$100 (minimum)



Reciprocal Links



~500 (av. yr.1)

Pay per Submission

$600 (one time)

$100 (one time)

~500 (av. yr.1)

Monthly Total







~48,000 (Yr. 1)

One Time



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Av. Cost per Click


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Email Marketing Campaign:
From $3500 (click here for more info)