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EDU Internet Strategies
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"Keyword design is also an important component to online advertising. In addition to the organic, or free search results from the major search engines, keywords can be purchased on a cost-per-click basis to generate traffic. "

Keyword Marketing

Keyword Development and Keyword Management

   The first step in marketing your website is the design of an effective page that highlights what you want to say and offers the information to a user in an easy to use format. The next step is to make the site easy to find.   

The use of search engines are steadily increasing as people turn to the Internet for information. The meta tag keywords that are used in your HTML document are searched by some of the search engines such as Google, Inktomi or Teoma. Other search engines concentrate on the keywords found throughout your site.

With this in mind it is necessary to effectively create keywords that will help to get your site placed high in the rankings for the search engine. This however is not an exact science. Keywords on their own are NOT going to guarantee high placement within a search engine. Each search engine has their own unique method for rank placement. Some of them rely on keyword search and others on their own system of link analysis as part of their algorithms technology. The keywords that you use in the text portion of your page are searched by the search engines but they also must be relevant to the site and content description.

Keyword design is also an important component to online advertising. In addition to the organic, or free search results from the major search engines, keywords can be purchased on a cost-per-click basis to generate traffic. Google Ad Words, Yahoo Search and FindWhat are leading keyword advertising options.

EDU Internet Strategies can help you with the keyword design and keyword management or your site, along with the keywords that are relevant to your site, and we are constantly on alert for changes in search engine technology.

For details on what EDU Internet Strategies can do for you, please contact Rick Simmons,

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