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EDU Internet Strategies
What's in your horizon

Mercy College Case Study

Mercy College New York were looking to increase their online visibility for all programs at their college throughout their 5 campus locations. In addition, they were looking to push their online learning platform and increase enrollments.

EDU Internet Strategies suggested approaching this campaign at several levels. The first recommendation was to created a microsite - a robust 20 page site that would eventually increase in search engine rankings. In the interim, EDU-IS also suggested a PPC campaign with Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing plus an optimized press release to launch the campaign.

The Result
EDU Internet Strategies designed a microsite which can be found at, set up a Search Marketing campaign and recently launched. While it is still too early to tell, the launch has been aggressive and we are currently tracking data to determine the effectiveness of the campaign. In addition, EDU-IS prepared some SEO recommendations for their current website and they are already seeing SERP increases.

New Mercy College Site